Uncertainty and stress in parents of newborn hospitalized in the UCIN.
Introduction: Paternity and maternity constitute a stage of life that can be accompanied by difficulties, such as the birth of a child in unfavorable health conditions and hospitalization in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Merle Mishel's Original Theory of uncertainty in the face of disease allows the nurse to explain the way in which parents cognitively process the phenomena associated with the disease.
Objective: To determine the relationship between uncertainty and stress in parents of newborns hospitalized in the NICU of the Hospital Regional de Alta Especialidad Dr. Gustavo A. Rovirosa Pérez.
Population and method: descriptive, correlational and cross-sectional study. Convenience sampling in 73 parents of newborns hospitalized in the NICU of a tertiary hospital; by means of a sociodemographic data sheet of the parents and biophysical data of the newborn, as well as two questionnaires on a Likert-type scale composed of the scale of uncertainty in the face of the disease father and children mode (PPUS: PARENT / CHILD FORM) and the parental stress scale (PSS: NICU). Type of analysis: SPSS 15.0, descriptive and inferential statistics.
Results: the highest mean for the uncertainty scale is in the ambiguity factor, while for the parental stress scale the highest mean corresponded to the aspect and behavior of the newborn, finding a negative relationship between the uncertainty variables and stress.
Conclusions: Although the hospitalization of a newborn child in the NICU is a situation that generates uncertainty and stress in the parents, it is concluded that there is no relationship between the two study variables, the above could be explained by the fact that the sample is very small, so the use of larger samples is suggested in the future.
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