The change of perception on emigration in the cuban society

The change of perception on emigration in the cuban society



In this article, we reflect on the
way in which in Cuba the perception
about the figure of the
migrant has changed over the
years, the above taking as a starting
point the triumph of the
Revolution. Through the review
of various investigations, as well
as literary works, it is analyzed
how the opinion of Cuban society
has been transformed going
from a negative idea to a very
positive one. In the beginning,
people who decided to emigrate
were seen as enemies of the
homeland, Nowadays they are,
in many cases, the economic
support of family members who
remain on the Island.

Author Biography

  • María Fernanda Candela Figueroa, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

    Maestra en Estudios Latinoamericanos por parte de la UNAM, recien titulada. 



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Dávalos, Fernando. (1983) La Frontera en Mariel. La Habana: UNEAC

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How to Cite

Candela Figueroa, M. F. (2021). The change of perception on emigration in the cuban society: The change of perception on emigration in the cuban society. Cinzontle, 12(25), 16-22.