Therapeutic Alliance and Adherence in Family Therapy


  • Ismael Fernando Diaz Oropeza Universidad de las Americas, AC


Palabras clave:

Therapeutic alliance, adherence, outcome, family therapy.


Abstract: The purpose of this study was to test out the alliance and treatment adherence as explanatory factors that contribute to the effectiveness of family therapy. Seven family therapists and four clients participated voluntarily. A system for observing family therapy alliances (SOFTA-o) and self-reports (SOFTA-s) were used to measure therapeutic alliance. Therapeutic adherence was measured using a Family Therapy Adherence Scale and Goal Attainment Scale to measure outcome. Third and fifth therapy sessions were recorded and scales were applied at the end of these sessions. Findings indicated a low relationship between clients’ perception of the therapeutic alliance and therapeutic adherence, a strong relationship between therapeutic alliance, adherence and outcome was found. Clinical, training and research implications are discussed.

Keywords: Therapeutic alliance, adherence, outcome, family therapy.

Biografía del autor/a

  • Ismael Fernando Diaz Oropeza, Universidad de las Americas, AC
    Dr. en Psicología


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Artículos de Investigación Científica - Scientific Research Articles

Cómo citar

Diaz Oropeza, I. F. (2016). Therapeutic Alliance and Adherence in Family Therapy. Multidisciplinary Health Research, 1(1).

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