Factors associated with depression in older adults in the urban area of Tabasco

Factors associated with depression in older adults in the urban area of Tabasco.


  • Guadalupe Alejandra Laines Félix
  • Flor del Pilar González Javier UJAT
  • Ruben Magaña Pérez UJAT




Objective. Determine transfers are the factors associated with depression and characteristics in elderly volunteer packers in self-service stores in Villahermosa, Tabasco. Material and methods. Design: observational, prospective, cross-sectional. Universe: 143 adults over 60 years old. Sample: Non-probabilistic by convenience of 139 older adults with depression. Selection criteria: older than 60 years; cognitively preserved, who agreed to participate in the study; and they authorized their participation in it by signing informed consent. Variables: sociodemographic, perception of family function, and depression. Instruments: Yesevage Geriatric Assessment Scale version 15 items and Family Apgar. Analysis: descriptive statistics and odds ratio (OR) with 95% confidence (p0.05). Results. 83 women and 43 men were studied, mean age 69.7 ± 5.6 years; minimum 62, maximum 79 years. Occupation, 56.9% "housework". Schooling, 49.2% primary schooling or less. Frequency of depression 37%. Risk factor: “primary or lower” schooling O 12.82 (CI95 1.45, 120.78). Protective factor: “secondary or higher” schooling OR 0.06 (CI95 0.01, 0.68). Conclusions. The frequency of depression was more frequent in women in this study group, it is higher than that reported by other foreign authors. The average age of presentation is analogous to other reports. The level of school instruction is a determining factor.







Artículos de Investigación Científica - Scientific Research Articles

How to Cite

Laines Félix, G. A., González Javier, F. del P., & Magaña Pérez, R. . (2020). Factors associated with depression in older adults in the urban area of Tabasco: Factors associated with depression in older adults in the urban area of Tabasco. Multidisciplinary Health Research, 5(1). https://doi.org/10.19136/mhr.a5n1.4417