About the Journal

Focus and scope

Multidisciplinary Health Research (MHR) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal that publishes research results from different health sciences fields, such as Medicine, Psychology, Nutrition, Nursing, and Dentistry.

Multidisciplinary Health Research publishes original content, in English, Spanish, or both, in the modalities of scientific research articles, clinical case reports, and review articles, with topics that have implications and relevance to health in its biological, psychological, and social dimensions. 


Publication Models

This journal is freely accessible (open access model).

MHR does not charge for submissions or publication of articles.

MHR operates in a continuous publication model; articles are available individually as soon as they are ready to be published.


ISSN: 2448-6779


Peer review process

All manuscripts received are initially reviewed to determine if they adhere to this journal's editorial guidelines and standards.

Manuscripts that comply with the editorial guidelines and standards are subsequently submitted for peer review by at least two specialists in the area. The review process is double-blind; the names of authors and arbitrators are not disclosed to each other.

The average time in which an article proposal is received and reviewed/evaluated is three months. 

Possible results from the evaluation are:

a) Not accepted.

b) Accepted with conditions (necessary corrections).

c) Accepted for publication.