Nursing Process to a Young Infant with Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis based on Marjory Gordon's


  • Gerardo Iván Rivera Morales
  • Itzel Pamela Aragón Siordia
  • Amelia Hernández de la Cruz
  • Celia del Carmen Solís Gómez Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco
  • Laura Guillermina Tejero Pérez
  • Yadira Candelero Juárez



Estenosis, Lactante, Proceso de Enfermería


Introduction: Marjory Gordon's functional health patterns are a configuration of behaviors, more or less common to all people, that contribute to their health, quality of life and the achievement of their human potential. Congenital Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis is the decrease in the intestinal lumen at the level of the pylorus due to hypertrophy and hyperplasia of the muscular layer of the antro-pyloric portion, which is clinically manifested as obstruction to gastric emptying.

Description of the case: 37-day-old male infant, product of pregnancy 4, obtained vaginally, treated in a hospital setting, without complications at birth, weighing 2.7 kg, with a complete vaccination schedule for age. She was admitted to the hospital area for presenting vomiting of sudden and immediate onset to oral intake, vigorous and constant crying of 6 days of evolution, was diagnosed through USG, resolving surgically by pyloromyotomy.

Discussion: The most altered Health Pattern was the Nutritional / Metabolic one where, after prioritization, the following diagnoses were found: Risk of electrolyte imbalance and nutritional imbalance: Lower than body needs, which were developed with the methodology of NANDA, NIC, NOC.

Conclusions: EHCP is a common disease in young infants and the highest incidence in men. Although palpation of the pyloric olive is considered the pathognomonic sign of EHCP, it is not present in 100% of cases. Achieving an optimal fluid and electrolyte balance considerably reduces surgical risk and favors recovery in the postoperative period.

Author Biography

  • Celia del Carmen Solís Gómez, Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco
    Profesor Investigador de Tiempo Completo


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Casos clínicos - Case Reports

How to Cite

Rivera Morales, G. I., Aragón Siordia , I. P., Hernández de la Cruz, A., Solís Gómez, C. del C., Tejero Pérez , L. G., & Candelero Juárez, Y. (2021). Nursing Process to a Young Infant with Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis based on Marjory Gordon’s . Multidisciplinary Health Research, 6(1).