
  • Alba Rocío Ochoa Meza Instituto Tecnológico del Valle del Yaqui (ITVY).
  • Julia Icela Galindo Félix Instituto Tecnológico del Valle del Yaqui (ITVY).
  • Dalila María Juárez Moreno Instituto Tecnológico del Valle del Yaqui (ITVY).



Microalgae, Scenedesmus, Sonora, Mexico


Microalgae offer an area of increasing exploitation due to the multiple applications in many industries: of cosmetics, food, agronomy, pharmaceutical, green technologies, among others. In Sonora, in the freshwater environment, work related to the diversity of microalgae is scarce. The aim of this work is to catalog the main freshwater microalgae susceptible to cultivation in the Yaqui Valley. To obtain the samples, quarterly collections were carried out at seven points near the Alvaro Obregon dam (El Oviáchic), the Yaqui river and branch canals. The samples were isolated, scaled to 250 ml, and identified by bibliographic consultation; the genres Scenedesmus, Tetradesmus, Clorococcum, Cosmarium, Pediastrum and Fragilaria were the most dominant. Only with Scenedesmus, isolation and massive laboratory production were accomplished. This sets the tone for continuing research on freshwater microalgae isolation processes for the Yaqui Valley region.

Author Biographies

  • Alba Rocío Ochoa Meza, Instituto Tecnológico del Valle del Yaqui (ITVY).

    Doctora en ciencias; profesora con actividades de docencia e investigación en el área de acuacultura; Tecnológico del Valle del Yaqui.

  • Julia Icela Galindo Félix, Instituto Tecnológico del Valle del Yaqui (ITVY).

    Bióloga con especialidad en biotecnología; profesor con actividades de docencia e investigación en el área de acuacultura; Tecnológico del Valle del Yaqui.

  • Dalila María Juárez Moreno, Instituto Tecnológico del Valle del Yaqui (ITVY).

    Ingeniera en Acuacultura; profesora con actividades de docencia e investigación en el área de acuacultura; Tecnológico del Valle del Yaqui.


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How to Cite

Ochoa Meza, A. R., Galindo Félix, J. I., & Juárez Moreno, D. M. (2020). PHYTOPLANKTON DIVERSITY OF CONTINENTAL RESERVOIRS IN THE YAKI VALLEY. Kuxulkab’, 26(56), 05-14.

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