Educational attention to the outstanding student in Mexico
aptitude, outstanding, high capability, inclusive educationAbstract
The objective of this article is to describe the characteristics of the attention provided to outstanding students in the field of education in Mexico, based on a historical review of the most relevant events to consolidate this work, as well as the presentation of the theoretical models. that explain outstanding aptitude. To comply with this, a description of the events that have given rise to the study of students considered with outstanding aptitudes in our country is presented, resulting in the importance of their study and attention from an inclusive perspective in education. First, a historical review is presented that, chronologically, mentions the programs that have been implemented in our country to provide care to this population, considering their origin in attempts framed in special education. Subsequently, the main theoretical models that have studied outstanding aptitude are explained, highlighting performance-oriented models, cognitive models and sociocultural models. Finally, the relationship that this type of work has with inclusive education and its importance is explained.References
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